Our Services

tox + filler

In the world of cosmetic enhancements, treatments using neuromodulators such as Botox, Xeomin and Dysport along with dermal fillers are the most popular treatments. These treatments have the ability to smooth wrinkles and turn back the hands of time. TOX works by blocking the signals from the nerves to the muscles, preventing them from contracting and causing wrinkles on the skin's surface. The treatment is quick, usually taking around 10-20  minutes to complete, and requires no downtime. Individual results may vary. Although many who receive treatments prefer to keep their treatments private, medical aesthetics is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. These non-surgical procedures are continuing to gain widespread popularity among both men and women seeking to prevent or treat wrinkles and fine lines and enjoy a more balanced refreshed look. There are a variety of factors that affect the longevity of each treatment. Botox typically lasts up to 3 months depending on the treatment, and fillers can last up to 18 months. Strictly adhering to pre and post treatment instructions is necessary to avoid any unwanted complications. Please read below to learn more about each treatment we provide. It will typically take 7-14 days to take effect.

Jawline - masseters

treatment of symptoms of tmj

Create a slimmer, V-shaped look by injecting neurotoxin to reduce the size of your masseters. Often times people refer this to a "jaw reduction" or "masseter reduction". We love this with chin filler!

Masseter treatment or treatment of the symptoms of is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting TOX into the masseter muscle of the jaw to reduce the appearance of a square-shaped face or alleviate symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). The masseter muscle is responsible for chewing and clenching, but when it becomes overactive, it can cause pain, tension headaches, and even tooth grinding. By injecting TOX into this muscle, it weakens and relaxes the muscle, resulting in a softer and more oval-shaped face, as well as relieving the symptoms of TMJ.

gummy smile

A gummy smile is a condition where a person's upper gums are prominently displayed when they smile, making their teeth appear smaller than they actually are. This is often caused by overactive muscles in the upper lip that pull it up too far when smiling. TOX can help reduce the appearance of a gummy smile by relaxing these muscles and preventing them from pulling the lip up excessively.During a TOX treatment for a gummy smile, a small amount of the neurotoxin is injected into the muscles responsible for lifting the upper lip. By blocking the signals from the nerves to these muscles, TOX prevents them from contracting as strongly as they normally would, resulting in a more subtle and subdued smile with less gum exposure.

jowl lift

Sagging jowls are simply caused by decreased elasticity in our skin towards the lower part of our face which is the chin and jawline. It is a process that begins to happen as our body’s collagen stops its production typically at the age of 30 to 40. Jowls sagging is also impacted by the immediate weight loss or gain that stretches or retracts the skin of a particular area that can leave the skin saggy with time. 

One of the best treatments for jowls sagging is called “Sagging Jowls Botox” which reduces extra skin and keeps your jawline and chin free of fat. 

elevens aka glabella complex

The 11 lines (Elevens) are medically known as glabellar lines. They're the two vertical lines between your eyebrows. The 11 lines are caused by years of muscle movement. This kind of wrinkle is called a dynamic wrinkle because it's caused by muscle contractions instead of facial volume decrease. TOX treatment helps smooth out the 11's.

non-surgical nose lift

This is the treatment for that perfect pixie nose. The base and tip of the nose are secured by the depressor septi nasi muscle. This muscle connects the upper jaw and the nose, impacting the appearance of the nasal tip and nostrils. When the tip of the nose droops, it can be due to the tension of the depressor septi nasi muscle. Relaxing this muscle can allow the nasal tip to lift, giving it a perkier appearance.

dao lift/corners of mouth

DAO Botox uplifts the corners of your mouth, giving you a rejuvenated and a cheerful smile.Experience a remarkable reduction in the lines that run from the corners of your mouth to the jawline.Enjoy a more sculpted and defined jawline, enhancing the overall harmony of your face.DAO Botox restores balance, ensuring that both sides of your face appear harmoniously aligned.The beneficial effects of DAO Botox will boost your confidence, allowing your inner beauty to shine.

bunny lines

Bunny lines are wrinkles that appear on the sides of your nose when you smile or make facial expressions. While these lines are a natural part of aging, they can be bothersome to some people and make them feel self-conscious about their appearance.

Fortunately, TOX can be used to treat bunny lines and create a more youthful, smooth appearance. During the treatment, a small amount of TOX is injected into the muscles in the area surrounding the bunny lines. This causes the muscles to relax, which in turn softens the appearance of the wrinkles.

crow’s feet-eye smile lines

Neurotoxin | TOX does work for crow's feet and it can make a dramatic impact even when you have deep lines. TOX reduces the visibility of crow’s feet by relaxing the muscles that surround the corners of the eyes. After you have TOX, you should notice that the skin underneath and around your eyes looks smoother, and the difference should be particularly distinctive when you smile.

Crow's feet are the fine lines and wrinkles that appear at the outer corners of the eyes, often caused by repetitive facial expressions, sun damage, or the natural aging process. TOX is a popular injectable treatment that can smooth out crow's feet and other wrinkles by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for the formation of the lines..

neck lines-platysmal bands

TOX treatment on neck bands, also known as platysmal bands, involves injecting a small amount of neuroTOXins into the muscles that cause the bands to form. These bands are the result of aging, sun damage, and genetics, and can make the neck appear aged and saggy.

The TOX works by relaxing these muscles and smoothing out the appearance of the neck bands. This leads to a more youthful and rejuvenated look that can last for several months.

We offer expertly administered TOX treatments that can help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. Our skilled practitioners will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your unique needs and concerns.

So if you're looking for a non-invasive way to enhance the appearance of your neck, TOX treatment on neck bands may be just what you need.

lip flip

A lip flip is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a small amount of TOX into the upper lip muscle known as the orbicularis oris. This treatment causes the muscle to relax, which results in a subtle lifting of the upper lip and a more pronounced vermillion border (the line between the lip and skin).

The effect is similar to that of a lip lift surgery, but without the need for incisions or anesthesia. The procedure can be completed in just a few minutes, and the results typically last for 3-4 months.

The lip flip is often used as a complementary treatment to lip filler injections, as it can help to enhance the appearance of the lips and create a more defined cupid's bow. However, it can also be done on its own for those who want a slight improvement in the shape and fullness of their lips without the use of fillers.

eyebrow lift

Every individual has a different arch and anatomy of not only their eyebrow but their upper eyelid and eye. It is common for individuals to have excess skin above their eyelid. This can be caused by multiple factors, but aging and heredity are the most common. Depending on the patient's anatomy and goals, they can benefit from a brow lift by simply raising the eyebrow to feel their eyes are more open, awake, and refreshed.

chin dimpling

Consider chin neurotoxin as a non-invasive way to smooth the chin and restore its youthful contours.


TOX injections block certain chemical signals from nerves, mostly signals that cause muscles to contract. This temporarily relaxes the facial muscles that underlie and cause wrinkles, and is most commonly used on forehead lines/wrinkles.

cheek filler

Looking for elongation, projection, symmetry, and to treat pre jowls? Look no further. Our Artist Injectors will do a thorough evaluation to discuss what is needed for you to achieve your desired result and educate if more than one syringe over a course of time is necessary to reach your goal.

Chin dermal filler is a treatment that involves injecting into the chin area to enhance and augment the shape and contour of the chin. The dermal filler used in this treatment is typically made of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the skin that helps to hydrate and plump the skin. When injected into the chin, the dermal filler adds volume and definition, creating a more prominent and sculpted chin appearance.

The treatment typically takes around 30 minutes to complete, and results are usually visible immediately after the injection. The effects of chin dermal filler can last anywhere from six to 18 months, depending on the type of filler used and the individual's natural metabolism.

lip filler

Enhance volume, symmetry, and hydration while reducing fine lines and maintaining a full range of expression. Our Artist Injectors will do a thorough evaluation to discuss what is needed for you to achieve your desired result and educate if more than one syringe over a course of time is necessary to reach your goal.

chin filler

Looking for elongation, projection, symmetry, and to treat pre jowls? Look no further. Our Artist Injectors will do a thorough evaluation to discuss what is needed for you to achieve your desired result and educate if more than one syringe over a course of time is necessary to reach your goal.

Chin dermal filler is a treatment that involves injecting into the chin area to enhance and augment the shape and contour of the chin. The dermal filler used in this treatment is typically made of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the skin that helps to hydrate and plump the skin. When injected into the chin, the dermal filler adds volume and definition, creating a more prominent and sculpted chin appearance.

The treatment typically takes around 30 minutes to complete, and results are usually visible immediately after the injection. The effects of chin dermal filler can last anywhere from six to 18 months, depending on the type of filler used and the individual's natural metabolism.

Ready to glow?